Carmen Hillers
Carmen Hillers
Carmen Hillers
Carmen Hillers
Carmen Hillers

Carmen Hillers

It is above all the swinging lightness that determines so many of Carmen Hillers' works, even when the colors are applied in a strongly condensed manner, as in the Lyric Pieces. 
The paintings resonate not only in the shapes and rhythms of the lines, but also in the application of paint. They are not canvases, but Carmen Hillers paints on light fabric, voile, a little translucent, which remains visible as a structure under the paint: For the paint, applied as egg tempera, will vibrate in the surface like notes of music.
Up close, it can be seen that in this painting each brushstroke not only "sits," but it resonates within the framework of a delicate web of lines that is not usually set on the paint, but rather emerges through meticulous recesses in which underlying layers of paint or the pure fabric of the material emerge.

THOMAS SELLO, Hamburger Kunsthalle




Carmen Hillers

1957born in Hamburg, lives as a freelance artist and author in Hamburg
seit 1989Exhibitions in galleries, art associations, museums and other places
seit 2005Features and musical performances
2009Invitation of the Schubert Society of the USA to participate in the research project " Picturing Winterreise - Schubert's Song Cycle in Art".
2009-2013Art/Music- Features at the Hamburger Kunsthalle
2015the LP of the Hamburg composer Steffen Wolf was published, Acht Blicke auf Mondenschein - Kompositionen zu Bildern von Carmen Hillers

Ausstellungen und Ausstellungsbeteiligungen (Auswahl)

2022Experimente /Eksperimenter  MUSEUM KUNST & DESIGN, Kolding , Dänemark
2022Regionalschau Norddeutschland, DIE DROSTEI, Pinneberg
2021Auktionsausstellung  Forum für Künstlernachlässe HAMBURGER KUNSTHALLE
2021Auktionsausstellung  Forum für Künstlernachlässe KÜNSTLERHAUS SOOTBÖRN, Hamburg
2021Landesschau BBK-Schleswig Holstein OSTHOLSTEIN MUSEUM, Eutin
2021Eksperimente / Eksperimenter, BRUNSWIKER PAVILLON, Kiel
2020to quiet the mind, Elbschlossresidenz Hamburg (E)
2020Leidenschaft Kunst, Kunstforum der GEDOK, Hamburg
2019Linie I Poesie, Galerie Fenna Wehlau (G)
2019on the bright side, SHOWROOM Hamburger Kreativgesellschaft
2019Multidimensionality, AZARRO ART SPACE Hafencity Hamburg





Mutter.form, BBK Hamburg (G)

Kunstverein Elmshorn (G)

Galerie der GEDOK, Hamburg (G)

LIAISON, Galerie Fenna Wehlau, München

2017SECRET CONCERTS, HIT-Technopark, Sammlung Birkel, Hamburg
2017DIE WINTERREISE, GemeindeAkademie Blankenese, Hamburg
2016ART Innsbruck, Galerie Fenna Wehlau
2016Einzelausstellung GEDOK, Hamburg
2015Acht Blicke auf Mondenschein, GemeindeAkademie Blankenese (E)
 Serie, Kunstforum der Gedok, Hamburg (G)
2014Internationale Art Exhibition CASO, Osaka, Japan (G)
 Vom Wasser, GemeindeAkamemie Blankenese (E)
2013Schloß Reinbeck
2012Galerie Stella A, Berlin (G)
 Künstlerhaus einseins, Hamburg (G)
2010Kunstmaand Ameland, Niederlande (G)
2009Kunstverein Lüneburg (E)
 Was ist wichtig, Kunsthaus Hamburg (G)
 Rathaus Duderstadt (E)
2008Galerie Andreas Jacobi, Hamburg (G)
2007Winterreise, Hamburger Kunsthalle, Veranstaltungsraum (E)
 Die Rückseite des Mondes, Kunsthaus Hamburg
 Galerie Vorortost, Leipzig
2006Heine!, Ausstellungsraum, Steiner-Haus, Hamburg (E)
2004Kunstverein Haren (E)
2003Kunstkreis Schenefeld (E)
2002Schloss Lüttgenhof, Dassow, Sammlung Stinnes
2000Galerie Bodek, Hannover (E)
1999Wahlverwandtschaften, Kunstverein Stade
Ankäufe:Sammlung Birkel, Sammlung Katharina Stinnes, private Sammlungen
Luisa Gorihsen

How did you experience art classes during your school years? Did it motivate you to go in this direction?(Why did you want to become a painter?)

Carmen Hillers

I had good art lessons! I liked both teachers very much, painting played a big role in art lessons, the use of colors in general.

They were always double lessons - great; highlights of the schedule. We also made short films and went outside. It was a very permissive atmosphere; actually, the only lessons in school where the teacher-student relationship was a very enlightened one.

Luisa GorihsenWhen did you paint your first picture, which was also exhibited? What was its name? Do you still like it?
Carmen Hillers

I actually have a rather unsentimental relationship to my works, regardless of the period. There were several paintings from the first period that were exhibited, and I have an ambivalent relationship to some of them today. From time to time, I get the urge to let works whose quality I would doubt from today's point of view, jump over the blade. And so paintings have been destroyed several times. I'm not sure if it would be more correct to document my artistic history without gaps. Rather I tend to "clean up" and question again and again. This also seems logical to me and has to do with development.

Translated with (free version)

Luisa GorihsenDo you have a favorite color(s)?
Did you have them as a child or develop them through painting?
Carmen HillersAs a child I loved red; as a teenager yellow and today I am very attracted to shades of blue. Blue is such an intimate color for me, which means mental freedom, vastness, subtlety, a lot of space for nuances, distance, calmness, also a certain form of security and being unmolested.
Luisa GorihsenHow did you come to the Fenna Wehlau Gallery?
Carmen HillersEin Künstlerfreund empfahl mich an die Galerie, für die Frau Wehlau in den 1990er-Jahren arbeitete. – was für ein Glück! 
Luisa GorihsenAn artist friend recommended me to the gallery Ms. Wehlau worked for in the 1990s. - what luck!
Carmen HillersTrust and respect and a personal relationship - and that you can laugh together.
Luisa GorihsenI read that you are also a writer. What kind of literature do you write and how does it influence your paintings?
Carmen HillersI write about music in the broadest sense, including texts and features at the seams of art, music and literature. My images are not influenced by my text. That is a completely different way of working.
Luisa GorihsenYou use painting, language and music together. What connects these 3 forms of expression in your eyes? What separates them?
Carmen Hillers

The separation is of course given by the respective means of expression and media. What connects them is what is actually interesting. That's a very good question for an essay over several pages. There is a very beautiful quote by Philipp Otto Runge that says it all: "Music, after all, is always what we call harmony and tranquility in all three arts. So there must be music in a beautiful poem through words, just as there must be music in a beautiful picture, and in a beautiful building, or in any ideas expressed through lines."  

Luisa GorihsenYou work a lot with abstract forms. What is the attraction of the abstract for you?
Carmen HillersFirst, of course, the desire to see something that was not there before. Not imitating what is visible. Finding my way in the unknown. Trusting that I'm doing the right thing, always making decisions that - sometimes yes, sometimes no - lead me to work that I can say "yes" to.
Luisa GorihsenWhat do you hope the viewer of your works will do?
Carmen HillersThat they have joy in it!
Luisa Gorihsen

In the book "Liaison" you have chosen 12 thoughts from writers of very different eras: E.g. Louise Bourgeois: "The first thing I need for work is the quality of silence". Is this your approach to your creative process?

What does silence mean to you?

Carmen HillersCalm, collection, concentration.
Luisa GorihsenDo you think about how one of your works should look like or do you paint spontaneously and let your feelings and/or music or poems guide you?
Carmen HillersI even think about it a lot when I start with a picture, but I always have to be prepared for the fact that everything can turn out quite differently. That's what it comes down to, to remain open to the course and outcome of the work process.
Luisa GorihsenIn your favorite book selection, I came across a "Wabi-Sabi" book. What inspires you about "Wabi-Sabi"? What does it mean to you?
Carmen HillersWabiSabi - to make it very short here - means for me a very humanistic and attentive attitude. Little appearance - much being; calmness, concentration, humility and a very, very wide view in all directions at the same time.
Luisa GorihsenIn a conversation with Fenna Wehlau, you once said that you like to depict what can't be seen and isn't known. In your favorite book selection, too, the main characters usually want to plunge into something new or discover something new. Do you strive for the uncertain in your life and do you consciously want to depict this in your works?
Carmen HillersTo strive for the uncertain - I could not necessarily claim that it would be my life maxim. Rather, not to commit oneself too much (where it is not necessary), to remain open, to stand by one's own nature and not to adapt unreflectively. As an artist, you have to have a certain willingness to be renitent and radical if you're serious about art.
Luisa GorihsenThe poems and the music for the exhibition "Liaison" in combination with your works let me find peace. Is that your intention?
Carmen HillersYeeeeeeees!!
Luisa GorihsenWhat do you like about Heinrich Heine's poems?
Carmen HillersThey are funny, smart, refreshing, deeply sad, critical, sometimes nasty (where it belongs), fed by an uncorruptible spirit.
Luisa GorihsenWhat advice would you give young people about art?
Carmen HillersLook at and experience as much art as possible - but please do not take the market too seriously - rather: form your own judgment. Living with art in any case.
Luisa GorihsenThank you for the interview


Intuition on paper

to quiet the mind

Water Music

Canto / Points


Lyric Pieces

Vom Wasser


Serie Bianca